This coming Thursday and Friday (21 and 22.01) we will celebrate the Grandmother's Day and Grandfather's Day. This is a unique opportunity to show how important our beloved seniors are to us and our children.
Grandmother's and grandfather's Day has been celebrated in Poland for a relatively short time. It was first promoted by Women's World magazine in 1964, but it was only for senior women. Grandparents had to wait until the 1980s for their holiday. It came to us from the United States and became a permanent part of the calendar. Usually every kindergarten or school invited grandmothers and grandfathers to performances, which were held after the end of January. The current pandemic situation unfortunately precludes this form of celebration.
Probably each of us is wondering how to safely show grandma and grandpa that we remember them, so as not to expose them to the danger of the pandemic. Many of us haven't seen them until spring. However, there is a way! If a visit and personal meeting is not possible, we can order a sweet gift, which will be delivered to the specified address in and around Warsaw by Batida's supplier with all anti-covid standards.
You can choose the right gift for Grandmother's and Grandfather's Day In Batida's online store .
Each set offered by Mira Bogucka, includes a variety of Batidy sweets prepared especially for the occasion:
- toscakaka / run-out cake with almonds in caramel in the form of a heart - chocolate-covered plum / juicy, flavorful California plums combined with chocolate - French macarons in red - a set of truffles handmade in Batida's confectionery studio - orange slices dipped in dessert chocolate - chocolate explosion - fantastic hot chocolate.
Each gift is packaged in an elegant box and tied with a satin ribbon. It is also possible to include personalized wishes. We will print them for you and attach them to the package. This will make the gifted person feel special - appreciated and surrounded by love.
For the lucky ones who will be able to visit grandma and grandpa in person, Confectionery Chef Mira Bogucka has prepared themed desserts. Wild Grandpa and Wild Grandma - is a pistachio mousse with a cherry liner on a crunchy walnut roast, finished with powder-pink suede and a glasses and mustache motif. It tastes delicious!
On these special days, let's thank those who place the happiness of their grandchildren higher than their own. Let's show that they are irreplaceable!